Wednesday, September 24, 2014

very blessed

Every once-in-a-while, I have this strong urge to hop on my facebook and, just like every other human out there, bitch about my problems or hint at my frustrations towards things or people without being too completely obvious. Sitting back and looking at everyone else who does just that, it becomes clear that there are two options when it comes to posting things: doing something or not doing something. A lot of what I see, and this is so common that I'm sure everyone can relate (I assure I'm no wiser than anyone else out there) is getting online and bitching. It is without a doubt a hell of a whole lot easier than taking that negativity and frustration and turning it into something positive. I get annoyed from logging onto fb and seeing all negativity, and surely, I don't need to be adding to the pool on this one.

I'm not trying to get on my soap box over here by trying to say how perfect I am by not bitching. I honestly feel I've been doing much more bitching lately than creating. But I will get on here and say that I am blessed.

I am truly blessed.

I am very blessed, to have every single little thing that I have. Even my problems. My blessing make my problems seems so small and irrelevant, especially when I sit back and really see what I've got going on.

These past couple nights, all my blessing have been so clear to me. Last week was a long and crazy one at work, and it killed me having to stay 8 1/2+ hrs every night (with the exception of Friday, woo!) when the days were so gorgeous and lovely. I had only one opportunity last week to ride my horsey. That lone opportunity, was like, such an eye-opener for me. I had gotten home late, and just as dusk was starting to set in, decided to hop on my girl for an evening ride. I can't begin to even explain how my horse has been this amazing source of therapy for me. When I'm on her I have to drop everything: all of my doubts, worries, exhaustion -- anything, you name it. When I'm on her it's just us and the open air. My mind is clear, and whatever annoyances and frustrations I had during the day, completely gone and obliterated. I don't know where I would be without her. By the time I come in for the evening, everything is so far behind me it's not even worth giving it a second more of my time. I think I would be a very paranoid and bitter person for sure.

Now lets not forget there are other awesome factors in my life besides my horsey. My friends and family...such a great support circle.

But I'm just saying, that I am truly blessed. If you were to take one piece of advice from me from this post, it would be this: get on a horse and ride.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Hey all,
long time no see. I'm back for another revival attempt, and a pretty ambitious attempt at that. This time I mean business though.

A little over a year ago, I had released a project, "Walking Steady on My Own Two Feet" where I had attempted to be very open with my sketchbook. Normally I am a very shy person when it comes to my sketchbooks, so this was a "coming out" sort of thing. I had intended to discard my shyness and be completely open with everything that I drew. Well, looking back on what I had "unveiled" with my project, I realize now I had so many shortcomings with the project, and only uploaded a few dozen images out of the literal 100 pages I had to share with everyone. I was concerned of showing off the best of me, and not all of me.

I can't help but be honest though, because of a rough couple of years with my art, I was honestly very afraid to show off the subject matter that often lands in my sketchbook. I haven't quite discarded a few nasty memories during such an impressionable time of my life. I was afraid of what you guys, my few friends/followers may think of me, and what you may label me after seeing what I draw behind the scenes. Going along with that train of thought, I don't want to put anything on any form of social media that someone may use to damage my reputation.

But here I am! And here's the interesting part of my revived presence online! I have crafted a gameplan! I will, once a week, post 4 pieces of artwork! I have art up and ready to go from up to 3 years ago! Well over 700 images, ranging from little doodles on scraps of paper, to sketchbook poops, tablet/digital doodles & paintings, to fully traditional artworks. All that will eventually see the light of social media! To make things even more interesting, all the sites that I maintain, this Blog, to my DeviantArt account, my Tumblr, and my Facebook, will have a different piece of art posted on them each week! I don't know if they will all get updated the same day, or if each day of the week will be committed to a different site, but we shall see how it goes! But that is the gyst of it!

Please feel free to find me on any of these sites! And please feel even more free to follow me!
Facebook: Amanda Scharf